Voyager Art & Tile

Voyager Art & Tile


      Voyager Art & Tile (Red Deer) is operated by Brian McArthur and Dawn Detarando. Both have their Masters of Fine Arts in ceramics from the Ohio State University. Brian and Dawn create decorative ceramic works depicting Canada’s flora, fauna and history. Using clay made in Alberta and formulating their own glazes, they have created a wide variety of hand-carved tiles.

      They also collaborate in large scale public art installations and most recently have been awarded the commission for the Southgate LRT Station by the City of Edmonton. ‘Immense Mode’, a giant pair of brick legs measuring 20 feet tall is slated for opening in the spring of 2009. In 2005 Brian and Dawn jointly received the Award for Achievement from the Alberta Craft Council and in 2008 Dawn received the Lieutenant Governor’s Emerging Artist Award. In 2011 Brian and Dawn jointly received the Linda Stanier & Family Memorial award, this annual endowed award has been created to honour an Alberta professional craftpersons working in clay.

      Voyager Art & Tile were the recipients of the Alberta Craft Award for Achievement in 2005 and the Stanier Award for Excellence in Ceramics in 2012.

      10 products